Saturday, March 18, 2006

Episode I: The Phantom Boozing Menace

Since this blog is to record my wild boozing adventures, we better get down to it. By no means is this an attempt to sequentially go through all my adventures, but it will probably be more like a series of memoirs, kind of all heaped together with no specific order - cause frankly I'm just gonna spit 'em out as I think of them.

So if there were a place to begin, I would have to say that the best place to start is probably at the beginning and then go from there.

I was a teenager at the time. Sixteen or seventeen - I can't remember for sure, but you get the idea. Yeah yeah yeah, late bloomer right? Anyhow, I had a buddy down the street from my house whose name was Dave. I grew up with Dave ever since I was a little kid, and we were always hanging out, getting in trouble, and having a good time.

Ever since we were little, we would spend friday or saturday night at each other's houses on the weekends, giving each other's parents a week off in between the chaos of having the neigbor kids over for a sleep over. In fact Dave and his little brother, Mikey, who was my brother's best friend, were such troublemakers that after a while, my Mom would only allow one of them to sleep over at a time. Anyway, it was Dave's week to sleep over, and that is the weekend that Dave and I planned to get WASTED!

Now, both of us have had a beer or two up to this point, but niether of us had ever gotten seriously fucked up. So we came up with a plan, and Dave was able to get his hands on some booze. And boy oh boy, he did not disappoint. That night he showed up at my house with: 1) a case of Michalob Golden Draft, 2) a bottle of Bacardi 151, and 3) a bum-sized bottle of Mad Dog 20/20. All for two kids who have never really gotten drunk before.

My bedroom was in the basement, so the odds of us getting caught by my Mom were next to nil, but if we would have gotten caught, holy cats - I shiver at the thought. Mom wasn't known to be the most lenient of parents. In fact, my brother often refered to her as "Jesus's Daughter".

So we commenced to drinkin', and now that I think back, we put back quite a bit of alcohol for a couple of n00bs. Of course we didn't know our limits and ended up drinking way too much. I can't believe that we didn't get busted. We were pretty loud. Dave got sick and went home in the middle of the night, leaving me to explain to my mom in the morning that Dave must have caught the flu.

That morning I felt absolutly horrible. I had to go to work, but there was no way in hell that I was going to go. I was to hungover and dry heaving. Good times. My mom never seemed to know what the hell was going on though. She had to have smelled the booze on me, but she never said anything. Maybe she figured I learned my lesson, but I never asked her about it. Dave and I were pretty proud of having pulled off a mini party right in my basement while my Mom was upstairs, and as far as we were concerned it was mission accomplished.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome story Poo!

9:04 PM  
Blogger Sir Poo-a-lot said...

Thanks Bro. There are many more wild adventures to come!

11:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wild boozing adventures? I can not believe I have never visited here before! Love the way you write Poo. Can't wait to hear what happens next.

11:41 AM  

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