Episode III: My First Trip to Tijuana

Well, during my short stint in Marine Combat Training was where I really had my first revelation to being out on my own and partying my ass off. For many people, this comes at a time when they are away for college and live in the dorm, or when they get their first apartment with their buddies, but not me. As a matter of fact, the combat training part of the Marines is pretty bogus as far as partying time is goes; we only got the weekends off, and even then you weren’t supposed to go anywhere too far away from base.
So one weekend my pals and I were sitting around considering what the hell to do with ourselves. I can’t remember what it is we exactly decided to do, but it must have been something semi-cool because I do remember that we found ourselves waiting for the bus to get off-base. Yeah that’s right, I said the bus. The loser cruiser, as it was so often deemed, but hell, none of us youngsters had a car with us on base so soon after getting out of boot camp. It was a real drag.
Anyway, we were sitting at the bus stop waiting for the loser cruiser to arrive when this little car slows down and pulls over to the side of the road and then started backing up towards us. It was two older marines who had obviously been in for a while. Thinking we were probably going to get harassed by these guys, I was ready to just forget the whole thing.
The passenger rolls down the window and asked, “Where you guys goin?” To which we replied, “Just going into town”.
“You guys want to go to
“When you coming back?” my friend asked.
“Tonight or tomorrow,” he said. “Don’t worry, you’ll be back in time for roll call.”
“Sure we’ll go,” my buddy replied, and we jumped in the car.
Now kids, don’t try this at home. When two complete strangers roll up and ask you to go to
I couldn’t believe we were going to TJ. I had never been there before, and as we were driving, the two older marines told us tales of 2 for 1 Mexican beers, clubs packed with women, hookers and donkeys, and a disregard for the legal drinking age. Sounded like nirvana if you ask me, we were stoked!
After a long drive to the border, we finally arrived at our destination. We parked the car on the
We crossed the border and were immediately bombarded by taxi cab drivers and little kids selling Chicklets, hand woven blankets, and giant ceramic sculptures of hamburgers. We weaved our way though the throng and finally made it past all of the people, sliding by all the cab drivers - skipping the cab ride to the clubs, because apparently they were easy to get to on foot. The two marines then led us to some poorly lit back streets explaining that this was the best way to get to the heart of TJ and to the clubs on Revolution Street. Aye carumba, I was just waiting for one of these guys to make a move on me, or even some crazed Mexican bandito to come jumping out from nowhere to mug us.
But we pulled though it. Through the back alleys and secret places of
We proceeded past most of them and went right to
We walked in the place, and it was pretty cool I must say. There was a communist Russian theme going on in there, you know the good ‘ol
We took a table toward the back. One of my friends took a seat with me while the other fellas went up to the bar to get the beers. Some guy did a stage dive – or really it was more of a balcony dive – from one of the upper levels and smashed into a giant speaker on the way down. It was good stuff.
Well, we were just hanging out shooting the breeze, when suddenly this guy a few feet away from us gets thrown into a table and chairs Clint Eastwood style by some huge guy who looked really pissed off. The big guy must have been pretty upset, because he walked right over to that poor sucker and smashed him over the head with a chair like it was a professional wrestling match. It was awesome.
All hell started breaking loose in
Then one of the older marines that had brought us there came back running to the table and told us we had to get the hell out of there. And get the hell out of there we did. We collected our beers and headed for the door, never looking back. Mexican police are not known for their understanding. Unfortunately
If the made your story into a mad-cap movie, Poo, I would go see it! Or at least I would rent the DVD. But what happened after you left the bar? Will there be a part 2 of episode III?
xx, Trish
I *love* the profile picture!!
Lord Poo...awesome adventure. I say we organize a road trip back with the other Overlords in tow..we may never make it back!
Trish, T.J. is a treacherous place to go, and I've had a few adventures there. I'll tell some more stories about Tijuana in the future, but this last post was really long, and I didn't realize it until it was posted. I think from now on I might have to shorten them up or break them up into smaller parts.
Warren, I haven't been there for a long time so it would be interesting to see if it has changed at all. The place would probably collapse under the weight of the Overlords!
That is one adventurous adventure Poo!! Phew!
Don't eat the fried dough in Tijauna! Learned that the hard way...
Awesome story Poo!
Hah, freaking awesome story. I was in the Navy, station in San Diego for a while and did quite a lot of partying...and fighting...at the Red Square.
I actually found this blog googling Red Square to see if it still exists.
Sorry... the Red Square close some years ago. Now they have a club A. Ask for Bar Zacazonapan if you are looking for something different in TJ
I am quite the TJ veteran, and I used to hit Red Square all the time!! I loved that place, would drive for hours just to hang out there. Was bummed it closed, TJ is like Vegas except that when a casino closes they have celebrations, rah rah rah, in TJ a strip joint becomes a childrens clothing store overnight...
I went to red square in the early 90's on boulevard revolution and it was the best club I visited in TJ. I saw no fights but they played sisters of mercy and such so it ruled in my opinion, also there were people dancing on metal walkways 20 feet off the ground which looked especially dangerous to me and I am half crazy.
Sad to hear it closed as it was a great place, and yes the cops in TJ were no joke as they stood on the street corner with UZI sub machineguns but they didn't speak english and obviously had been told not to mess with the gringo tourists.
i was a white pride skinhead in the earlr 90s red square
was "our spot" we would fight everybody n i got my butt stomped quite a few times. they would play 2 mosh songs
ever hour, usually rage against the machine n a rob zombie song. oh yeah.. the cops NEVER came in there, but if u got kicked out they might just b outside. craaaazy times in that place for sure!
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