Tiki Bar TV Recipe Review #1: Trader Woody's Drink

I thought I'd start with a drink from an older episode. Trader Woody's Drink is a pretty serious rum concoction for all you folks that might prefer a sweeter, more mellow cocktail. But while it was maybe a bit on the strong side, it certainly wasn't too strong. The one thing that I thought was overpowering about it though was the Amaretto. Next time I make it, I'll use 1/2 oz. of it instead of 1 oz. as per the recipe. For me, the Amaretto was just too overpowering, and tended to dominate the taste of the drink. Overall, not a bad start for our tiki drinks. I give Trader Woody's Drink a solid 3 out of 5 tikis.

Awesome. I like booze quite a bit.
I don't like amaretto. There I said it. It felt good to get that off of my chest :)
I don't really like amaretto either. Who does? hahaha.
Awesome review. What recipe is next?
dang i wanna make this one now! *drool*
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